

The Eight Spiritual Breaths is a powerful system of Kundalini Yoga that leads to personal transformation and conscious evolution. It is based on the Brahma Vidya Course founded by Swami Ramanathan in Mumbai. There are many practical health and wellness benefits of practicing The Eight Spiritual Breaths.

Origins Of The Eight Spiritual Breaths

According to legend, Padmasambhava, a renowned yogi and teacher at the ancient Nalanda University, foreseeing its destruction by foreign invaders, migrated to Tibet with a select group of disciples. He continued to share his knowledge and guide those he considered worthy to receive it. A set of powerful Breathing Exercises was part of the knowledge he imparted, which was designed to help individuals realize their highest potential. In the early 1900s, this course of Breathing Exercises was taken to the West by Edwin John Dingle, a young English journalist who travelled to Tibet and studied under a Tibetan Master whom he considered his spiritual guide or Guru. Edwin John Dingle, known as Ding Le Mei to over 220,000 students, spread this teaching throughout the USA and the world, under the name of Mental Physics.
Guru of Ding Le Mei
Ding Le Mei
Swami K. S. Ramanathan
Justice M. L. Dudhat

The practice of these Breathing Exercises was revived and conducted in India under the aegis of The Brahma Vidya Mission founded by Swami K. S. Ramanathan, who had studied the course under Ding Le Mei. Swami Ramanathan visited the Mental Physics headquarters at Yucca Valley, USA, where he was given the title of ‘Being of Light’ (Jyotirmayananda) by Ding Le Mei’s wife. I joined the Course in 1995 under the guidance of Justice M. L. Dudhat, who had in turn studied the course under Swami Ramanathan.

Until recently, Brahma Vidya was taught as a course in self-development. It was designed to help aspirants access their unlimited inner potential. The goal being to work towards a positive, more desirable change within one’s self, which would provide access to higher knowledge and also fill one with peace, wisdom and compassion. All this would then combine to transform humanity and make for a better world.

My Experience of Practising The Eight Spiritual Breaths – Santosh Ma

Practising these powerful Eight Breaths along with their empowered Affirmations, revealed to me that there is a lot more to human beings than the senses can feel or perceive. I understood that our ego is not our true being. Rather, our true being is the Reality that never changes and is not bound by time or space. Thus, it cannot be grasped through the senses or the mind; it can only be experienced. It is self-existent and therefore, immortal.

My practice of the Brahma Vidya Course took me in a direction that had not been previously experienced or documented by any aspirant. After some prolonged and serious contemplation, it dawned on me that these Breathing Exercises were designed to activate the subtle body meridians i.e., they activate the chakras, which will help an individual systematically access the Descending and Ascending energies of the Kundalini. This in turn, enables an aspirant to enter the experiential stage where knowledge is gained at the subtle level from subtle dimensions.This realisation led me to bring out a book called The Eight Spiritual Breaths, which has detailed descriptions of each Breath and the related chakras that they energise. All these insights gained by my experience with the Breaths could serve as an invaluable guide for the aspirant. This book eventually led to the creation and development of The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course.

Purpose of The Eight Spritual Breaths Self-Study Course

The Eight Spiritual Breaths is a scientific yogic system of Right Thinking, Breathing and Meditation that can renew your life. It is a further elaboration and refinement of the principles taught in the Brahma Vidya Course. In this Course we delve deeper into the spiritual and subtle aspects of Brahma Vidya, which results in an enriched understanding of our relationship with God and the Universe. As each person’s connection to their Divine Intelligence is strengthened, he/she is guided firmly yet gently on the path, and the subconscious mind is assigned the central role in bringing about physiological and spiritual transformation through the Affirmations.

The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course is designed to help individuals access the unlimited potential lying dormant within them. The Course combines instructions for the Eight Breathing Exercises, along with their respective Affirmations and guidance for Meditation. The practise of these Breaths results in: enhancement of your creative potential, increased levels of calmness, attainment of robust health, and higher energy levels. The Course is a planned, progressive methodology to provide one with the systematic steps required to achieve mastery in one’s life across all dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, social, familial, financial, aspirational, and spiritual. These constitute the complete matrix of a well-integrated life. In essence, it is designed to ensure that one beats to the rhythm of the Universe.

The Breaths allow you to clear deep-seated memories and blocks of past lives, and traumas suffered by the cells of the physical body, as well as the mental, emotional, and etheric bodies. They help you work through the deepest parts of your subconscious and unconscious blocks, with grace and ease. You can then live the life you are meant to live by achieving your highest potential; thereby, fulfilling your purpose in life.

Regular practitioners and adherents of The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course have attested to being infused with more vigour, becoming more focused, compassionate, patient, loving, introspective and sensitive to the higher energies. This opens the gateway to increased levels of awareness in their daily lives. The Breaths infuse one with more prana, the divine consciousness, which will bring about the transformation you need in your mind, body, and life. Prana is our divine vehicle to attain the highest levels of consciousness in the physical body.

You can readily access and take advantage of this spiritual and scientific practice, which is now made available and easy to follow. In order to reach seekers far and wide, it is now also available as an online self-study Course, with all relevant material made available to support you in your practice.

In keeping with the growing evolution of human consciousness

The basic Brahma Vidya Course, under the guidance of late Justice M. L. Dudhat, has now evolved to a different level of experience. Human awareness is today making rapid breakthroughs in accessing new dimensions in consciousness. As Brahma Vidya is a science of evolution, it has to be kept updated and in harmony with the developing consciousness. This is precisely the role envisaged by the Course of The Eight Spiritual Breaths.

I am grateful to have received the sanction as well as blessings from both Swami Ramanathan and my Guru Justice Dudhat, for the publishing of my book The Eight Spiritual Breaths, on which the Course is based.