17th August 2024, Santosh Ma Online Live Zoom Course. Join Now DONATE NOW

Breathing Exercises and Affirmations That Transform Your Life

(An interpretation of the Brahma Vidya Course)

The Eight Spiritual Breaths
A Powerful System Of Self-Transformation

The Eight Spiritual Breaths originated in Tibet. It is an Ancient self-transformational system
of 8 Breathing Exercises followed by Affirmations and Meditation.

The 8 Breaths are taught once a week, across 12 weeks. Each Breath acts upon a different energy center in the body. The daily practice of these breaths supports :

  • Good physical health,
  • Stability of the mental state
  • Emotional well-being
  • Helps the individual practitioner blossom into their fullest potential.

This course was brought to the west from Tibet by the English journalist Edwin John Dingle also known as Ding Le Mei who in 1927 began teaching this course as “Science of Mental Physics” in California. The practice of these Breathing Exercises was conducted in India by Swami K. S. Ramanathan under the aegis of The Brahma Vidya Mission. Swami Ramanathan’s student, Justice M.L Dudhat also taught this course as Mental Physics in Mumbai. Santosh Ma studied The Eight Spiritual Breaths under the guidance of Justice Dudhat Ji.

The Origin of The Eight Spiritual Breaths

The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course


Santosh Ma

Santosh Sachdeva attended a course of Brahma Vidya conducted by Justice M. L. Dudhat of the Bombay High Court. This year marked the beginning of a significant period in her life. Little did she understand how this would completely change her life, bringing on a profound interest in meditation and a surrender to the Higher Forces.