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The Eight Spiritual Breaths
The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course is a planned, progressive
methodology to provide one with the systematic steps required to achieve mastery in one’s life
across all dimensions: physical, mental, and emotional.
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NOTE : It is best that those who wish to learn 'The Eight Spiritual Breaths' are not practicing any other kriyas or breath technique. If they are they need to completely stop it.

- Course Book PDF (Not downloadable)
- 12 Week Online Pre-Recorded Course Taught
By Santosh Ma (34 videos) - Support Videos by Santosh Ma (20 videos)
- Video Demonstration of the Breaths (8 videos)
- Audio Tracks of Affirmations (8 tracks)
- Time Table For Breaths Practice
- Self Test On Each Chapter
- Embodiment of Light PDF
- Detailed FAQs Section
- Extra Material Articles on Chakras & Nadis
- Please Read FAQs Section Before Joining the Course
- Available For 20 Weeks After Registration
Testimonial : Sri Rohit Arya On How The Eight Spiritual Breaths Will Transform You
Testimonial of Michael Medof, Property Manager, USA
The Eight Spritual Breaths Zoom Course - Students' Apprection
Knowledge Sharing Courses
The Knowledge Sharing courses are open to seekers on any path as it may help their undertsanding and deepen their practice.
Santosh Ma's spiritual awakening has been unique.
The question surfaced in her mind, “Who am I, where do I come from and where am I
going?" Almost immediately, she found herself embarking on a spiritual journey with
visions that surfaced within her mind's eye during her daily meditations. These visions were
illustrated by her and depict the several phases the human body and mind goes through in the
process of awakening.
It is perhaps for the first time in the history of
spiritual literature that the process of awakening has been documented in such vivid detail,
in the form of illustrations. They depict the workings of the Kundalini Shakti towards the
purification and activation of energy centers present in the subtle body, leading to a
transformation of the human body, mind, and intellect. The result is a deep, positive
influence on daily living.
These courses are video recordings of Zoom classes
that were conducted by Santosh Ma. They include deep insights and understandings that
Santosh Ma gained over the course of 20 years, since her experience of awakening. The
courses are full of experiential wisdom and provide an excellent reference map with
significant signposts for students on the path of spiritual unfoldment, yoga, and
NOTE : It is important that the seeker does not rush into understanding this knowledge and approaches it in a slow and steady manner with honor, respect and commitment. As one slowly progresses to watch the different series of videos, the seeker gains a greater understanding of the mind and how it affects the subtle body. This greater understanding helps create a shift in the seeker’s own consciousness and supports their journey of self evolution.
The slow and steady pace is created to allow for the body-mind organism to slowly adjust itself to greater understanding. This is the reason the Spiritual Evolution Series have to be approached and viewed in a step by step manner. We view the Spiritual Evolution 1, then Spiritual Evolution 2 and finally Spiritual Evolution 3. The video recordings are available for a fair amount of time to support the seeker in his/her journey.

and Kundalini Shakti
12 Videos
In this Course, Santosh Ma takes students through the journey of the evolution of the individual consciousness, from the 'unconscious' to a highly aware and spiritually aligned way of living.
The Course covers:
The human mind - home of thoughts, feelings and intellect
The importance of the right flow of Prana
Role of Chakras (energy centers) in daily living
Understanding the Kundalini Shakti
The importance of the Guru
Available for 20 weeks after registration
Students Testimonial

4 Videos
In this Course, Santosh Ma explains how consciousness starts its process of ascension, which culminates in the blossoming of the Spiritual Heart. It is perhaps for the first time in the history of spiritual literature that the process of the ascent of consciousness and blossoming of the Spiritual Heart has been documented in such vivid detail.
The Course covers:
How creation begins
The manifestation of the Atma
The manifestation of the Jeev-Atma
The ascent of Consciousness
The meeting of the Jeev-Atma with the Atma at Anahat chakra
The blossoming of Spiritual Heart
Available for 8 weeks after registration

From the Spiritual Heart to the Sahasrar
3 Videos
As the kundalini shakti moves upwards, clearing all blockages in it's path of ascension, one discovers that at each stage the individual is evolving to a higher level of consciousness.
Only when the Ajna completely opens up and wisdom prevails, the kundalini shakti is then able to move into the Sahasrar chakra. However, this process of “The Sacred Journey To The Sahasrar’, cannot be willed. The essence of this amazing journey, its various milestones, the accompanying attributes, and the role of Grace, are shared in great detail by Santosh Ma with the support of her powerful sacred visuals. Such a detailed visual depiction is rare and unique.
The Course covers:
Spiritual Ladder : The necessity of ascension and Grace
Spiritual Hand : The support from ascended masters
Celestial Bird : The descent of supreme knowledge
Shaktipat - Act of Grace : The final steps of ascension, can be challenging
Body of Gold : The importance of complete cleansing & purification of the human body and mind
The Region of Om : The cosmic connection
Available for 6 weeks after registration
The information contained in “The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course Book’ and the ‘Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are not intended to serve as a replacement for professional medical advice. Any use of the information in the book and the courses is at the partcipants discretion. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ author specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in the book or the various courses.
The author does not recommend the self-management of health or mental health problems. You should never disregard medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have learned in this book or these courses. Please note that once the students complete the various Courses they are not allowed to teach the The Eight Spiritual Breaths to others, unless specifically certified by ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths’ team. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are a structured self-study and self-development programme that shouldn’t be taken lightly.