17th August 2024, Santosh Ma Online Live Zoom Course. Join Now DONATE NOW




Understanding the Role of Chakras

and Kundalini Shakti

12 Videos

In this Course, Santosh Ma takes students through the journey of the evolution of the individual consciousness, from the ‘unconscious’ to a highly aware and spiritually aligned way of living.

The Course covers:

  The human mind – home of thoughts, feelings and intellect
  The importance of the right flow of Prana
  Role of Chakras (energy centers) in daily living
  Understanding the Kundalini Shakti
  The importance of the Guru

Students Testimonial


(Will Go Live on November 11th 2023)


The information contained in “The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course Book’ and the ‘Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are not intended to serve as a replacement for professional medical advice. Any use of the information in the book and the courses is at the participants discretion. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ author specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in the book or the various courses.

The author does not recommend the self-management of health or mental health problems. You should never disregard medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have learned in this book or these courses. Please note that once the students complete the various Courses they are not allowed to teach the The Eight Spiritual Breaths to others, unless specifically certified by ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths’ team. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are a structured self-study and self-development programme that shouldn’t be taken lightly.