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Courses Offered
Live a life of peace and health through your own Breath.
Welcome to the online courses offered by The Eight Spiritual Breaths. These courses are recordings of milestone classes conducted by Santosh Ma. It is a blessing for a seeker to reach this pristine knowledge. The courses access ancient wisdom and are combined with practical, daily living wisdom for the 21st Century citizen. The courses have helped numerous students from all across the world navigate their lives towards greater peace, clarity of mind and a greater understanding of who they are.
There are four courses currently being offered : ‘The ‘Eight Spiritual Breaths Foundation Course’ and three unique knowledge sharing courses, where Santosh Ma explains the journey of evolution through her own personal, visual experiences. The depth of the sharings creates a shift in one’s life and understanding of life.

Knowledge Sharing Courses​

The Knowledge Sharing Courses are open to seekers on any path as it may help their understanding and deepen their practice.

Santosh Ma’s spiritual awakening has been unique. The question surfaced in her mind, “Who am I, where do I come from and where am I going?” Almost immediately, she found herself embarking on a spiritual journey with visions that surfaced within her mind’s eye during her daily meditations. These visions were illustrated by her and depict the several phases the human body and mind goes through in the process of awakening.

NOTE : It is important that the seeker does not rush into understanding this knowledge and approaches it in a slow and steady manner with honor, respect and commitment. As one slowly progresses to watch the different series of videos, the seeker gains a greater understanding of the mind and how it affects the subtle body. This greater understanding helps create a shift in the seeker’s own consciousness and supports their journey of self evolution.
The slow and steady pace is created to allow for the body-mind organism to slowly adjust itself to greater understanding. This is the reason the Spiritual Evolution Series have to be approached and viewed in a step-by-step manner. We view the Spiritual Evolution 1, then Spiritual Evolution 2 and finally Spiritual Evolution 3. The video recordings are available for sufficient amount of time to support the seeker in his/her journey.
The slow and steady pace is created to allow for the body-mind organism to slowly adjust itself to greater understanding. This is the reason the Spiritual Evolution Series have to be approached and viewed in a step-by-step manner. We view the Spiritual Evolution 1, then Spiritual Evolution 2 and finally Spiritual Evolution 3. The video recordings are available for sufficient amount of time to support the seeker in his/her journey.
Understanding the Role of Chakras and Kundalini Shakti
12 Videos

Shaktipat and Blossoming Of the Spiritual Heart
4 Videos

Journey of the Atman From the Spiritual Heart to the Sahasrar
3 Videos

The information contained in “The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course Book’ and the ‘Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are not intended to serve as a replacement for professional medical advice. Any use of the information in the book and the courses is at the participants discretion. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ author specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in the book or the various courses.
The author does not recommend the self-management of health or mental health problems. You should never disregard medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have learned in this book or these courses. Please note that once the students complete the various Courses they are not allowed to teach the The Eight Spiritual Breaths to others, unless specifically certified by ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths’ team. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are a structured self-study and self-development programme that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
The author does not recommend the self-management of health or mental health problems. You should never disregard medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have learned in this book or these courses. Please note that once the students complete the various Courses they are not allowed to teach the The Eight Spiritual Breaths to others, unless specifically certified by ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths’ team. ‘The Eight Spiritual Breaths Course’ and ‘The Knowledge Sharing Courses’ are a structured self-study and self-development programme that shouldn’t be taken lightly.